Our Thing: Lost and Found In Me

Hey Loves💜💜🥰. I miss you so so much and I know you miss me too. I am back after a long time and i have much to share😅… I don’t know where to start from😅.

Alrighty so I think I have told you about my friends from nursery to junior high before( if you’ve not read click here to read🙄🌝😌). Growing up, having a best friend was the ish, everyone in my class had best friends and they were very big deals.

I did everything with my best friends and i was willing to go all lengths for them…which i did without questioning. At a point When one was being looked for and you found me, or any of them, your search was over. We were really close and honestly there was no me without them. I was lost in that relationship that what i didn’t know what i liked, or did not like, so far as my friends were in for it, i liked it too. My whole little life in primary school was built around my friends. What they said, what they did, what they liked was what defined me.

As a kid I really didn’t see anything wrong with it at all, but you know where the story ended if you clicked Here🌝. I got myself a boyfriend right before senior high school and well the trend continued, that relationship also determined who I was and that went on and on to most close relationships I had.

Fast forward last year, I was going through some emotional rough patch and as I sat on my bed one evening, a question popped up in my head. I sat down for so so long and I couldn’t answer it.😕 The question was, “what do you like?” And I couldn’t answer it. The honest truth is that I didn’t even know what i liked to do or enjoyed to do or what i loved to do for fun. Not what my friends liked, or what they said will be good for me… but what i chose for myself and I didn’t know the answer to that.

This really got me thinking and it really dawned on me that I had no idea who I was. It’s very easy to go along in life not knowing who you are, your weaknesses or strength, your preferences… and it’s very easy to get lost in a person or a relationship what ever kind it is. The point is, we get hurt and become bitter when we loose such relationships. Mostly so much of ourselves die at the end of such relationships and it’s so upsetting 😖😭.

The good news is that, Jesus is the only One we can get lost in and we will be absolutely whole in. It is through His Word that we know who we are and find our true selves. Getting to know who you are in Christ allows you to live purposefully and fulfilled to the Glory of the one who made You. The fun part is, even in our weakness, His strength is made perfect (2nd Corinthians 12:9).

He calls me wonderful, He calls me Righteous , He calls me His own, He calls me Loved, I am His beloved. He delivers me. He sings over me😍.

As you read, I am challenging you to get to know who you are, explore who you are and what you are capable of with the lens of the One who loves you and gave Himself for You. He has called you to be who He said You are: not what you think You are, or what others say You are. There is completeness in Him Alone.

You are capable of More because you are awesome. (Psalm139:14). I Am who I am Because He Is…. I am lost and Found in Him and That’s OurThing…💜💜💜

Ps: You can check out this Scripture… It blessed me so much: Zephaniah 3:17

Our Thing: Go Away with Me…🤵🌹


Until I got to university, the idea of going on a date with a boy was a big deal in my head…( probably because of the plenty movies that i watched… It’s still kind of a big deal though)

In my head, I always pictured myself in a long black dress with some sick face beat and some nice black shoes with a silver purse and my date waiting for me outside and me smiling weirdly and awkwardly at him in wonder of how the date will be😶😐

That was my one and only idea of what a date was,( i still want to have this experience btw 😂 so dear future husband and boyfriend… We must do some😂😂) until I got to know that dates are times set aside by people to spend time together and know each other…

As I have said in my earlier posts, (Click here to check it out) OurThing always starts with a proposal from the Lover of our souls… And as we accepted The Lord Jesus as our Lord and saviour and Lover, we have the responsibility of doing our part to make the relationship work…

A one sided relationship, be it in a romantic relationship, or friendships or any other relationship, is so hard and unpleasant if you are the one who is always doing the work…(i am speaking from multiple experiences 😂☹️🤦). Sadly that is how most of our relationships with God have turn out to be… We only talk to God when we want something or we think if we don’t, we will reduce our chances of making it to heaven… Most of us are ‘using’ the Lord☹️ (don’t think i am any different, i have done some before saaaahnn🤦).

But just as any good relationship should be, our relationship with God must be born out of our love for Him and the only way you get to love someone more is when you know the person. The More You know Jesus, the easier it is to fall in Love with Him.

Knowing the Lord isn’t a strange thing oo… It’s just setting some time aside, to go on dates with Jesus every day. Spending time with Him is talking to Him about how your day went, talking to Him about the thing’s you think are ‘silly’ (that’s prayer, it’s not always in tongues and a weird moody face… Don’t get me wrong…speak in tongues as much as you can.. it’s like a secret love language… I am just saying prayer is talking to God about anything and everything and nothing…so any how you do it….)

Spending time with Jesus also is listening to what He has to say through His Word… Thinking on what He says about you (yes just like how you can day dream about the boy that said He loves you… 🙄 he might be lying). Philippines 4:8… Day dream about Jesus Christ, and what He has said about you through His word… you can hang your life on every Word He says because His word is Sure and True… He is Sureity and Truth.

Jesus did have special alone times with God when He was here on Earth and He calls us to have this same kind of relationship with God… (MARK 1:35)

God doesn’t want a Hello Hi kind of relationship ( like how most what’s app conversations now start and end😂🤦). He wants to spend quality time with you. He wants to be intimate with You. He wants you to build your life around Him. He wants Your Time. He wants your emotions. HE WANTS YOU.

That’s what OurThing is supposed to be… Will you Go Away with Him…

Our Thing: Let’s keep walking 🚶


It’s been a year since my first post and its been God’s grace.

There have been times i didn’t feel like writing ☹️ and other times Life wont just let me write… But through it all God has been God.

Some times I wake up and i don’t feel like talking to God… (I don’t know know about you but it’s the real deal ). Some times I get caught up in my own world forget that I am walking with someone greater than my world.

With all my flaws, The Lord has been a faithful Lover and Friend, looking beyond my flaws and still Loving me.

It’s just amazing to know that He never stops fighting for me. He never stops Loving me when i don’t even care much about myself.

His Love for us is eternal. I don’t know where exactly you are in your relationship with God… Maybe you want to stop all this God thing (trust me i have been there before), Guess what, even if you don’t feel loved, God loves you so dearly, He cares about you so deeply, more than you can think.

Know that He will never stop chasing you down. He’ll never stop Loving you and He will never leave you. ( You can write it a million times to get it in your heart).

I want to pray with you this morning ( or anytime you read this).

Our Heavenly Father , thank You so much for the person reading this, thank you for your unfailing love towards your daughter and your son. Father I pray that your love overshadows him and her right now. I ask that you Lord You take us deeper ín our pursuit of You. Father when we don’t feel You, teach us to know You are right there with us with open arms. Thank You Jesus for You great Love. Amen

Let’s keep walking with Him… That’s OurThing…

From Jiji: Hi Loves💜…God bless You for reading and sharing OurThing🤗. You have been a blessing. I pray God keeps You and May You continue to be encouraged. Please comment with Who God has been to You through out the year…

He has been my Faithful Lover😍😍, what about You?…

Our Thing: Just Stop Spinning 😵

Hey everyone👯💃👯💃… I know you miss me… I miss you too… I am sorry you had to miss me. ☹️

Today i am not going my normal way of writing ( me telling a story)… Today I just want to encourage You.

It’s been quite a year for all of us… I mean with Corona and Sakai(UG students 😂😅) and all…

It is easy to be overwhelmed with all that is going on in Your life and it may feel like you are moving from one storm to another and all that… You may be in a dark place right now… You may be trying hard to do your assignments and Go through work and pushing and trying…

God says to tell You that :Wait a minute… Stand Still. BE STILL. Calm down Honey. ‘Relaixin’. Stop spinning around. Stop trying to do this all alone… HE IS GOD.

For almost a month or more I too have been spinning… Doing my best… pushing and it seemed like the best wasn’t reaching anywhere😷🤦. Until I was told to Wait a minute, to stop spinning in my world… Just to be Still.

It’s easy to forget that we are not walking alone. Especially when Jesus ‘seems’ to be sleeping in our boats and we are trying hard to manage and push through by ourselves…(Matthew 8:23)

But the Truth Is Jesus is Still there with us and He is there to walk on the water( the unstableness and wobbly thingy) with us… (Matthew 14: 22-33)

And the truth is that most of the shakiness and doubt and fear and all of that happens in our minds but God calls us to stop spinning and try our very best to fix our eyes on Him and Put Him at the center of our storms.

I am Learning to fix my Eyes on Him even in all those feels and emotional spiral I find myself inside most of the time and I Hope you do too…

Sometimes all it takes is you sitting down, taking a deep breath and speaking to Jesus about what you are feeling or thinking.

He is there to help us through. He is there to help us Armour Up.

He is there… Just stop spinning.

BE STILL… That’s when the Knowing will Come… You have to be still to Know that He is God…


HE Stills my storms and


“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” Psalm 46:8‭-‬10 MSG https://bible.com/bible/97/psa.46.8-10.MSG

Our Thing: You’ve Got The Power (Armour Up)

When I was a kid, I liked fried rice🤫,( This week i was craving for some saaa… I ate some yesterday though 😂😌) and there was a lady at our church who had a food place and she made some…(her fried rice was nice papa😂😅). Every Sunday, after church, I’ll tell my dad that I want fried rice and because the lady was in my church and knew my dad, she will make my pack pleennnty 😂😁 and I will be happy like this😂(yeah things like that make me happy😂). After sometime, I didn’t have mention who my dad was, or go with my dad, but I will still get pleeeenntyy fried rice😁😁….

I was getting ‘fried rice benefits’ just because the lady knew my dad and who he was…

Now the Bible makes us understand that we have been given ‘riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints and what is His exceeding great power towards us who believe’…(Ephesians 1:18&19..) and a whole lot of Blessings, Power and AUTHORITY because we are His Children (that’s only if You have A Thing with Him).

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:19 KJV

Jesus makes us know that, we don’t just have just blessings but also He has given us authority over the Devil and His cohort… In the verse Before He makes us know the place of the Devil… (See Vrs 18 of Luke 10)

Most of us,(me being very much included) have allowed have allowed the devil to control a lot of things in our lives because we’ve not fully understood the authority we have In the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as how we can get ‘fried rice benefits'( grace and blessings and riches…etc), we also have the authority to put the Devil in his place…

This Authority is only given in The Lord Jesus Christ… Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Ephesians 6:10 KJV (if you dont have A Thing erh hmm the devil doesn’t respect oo…🤦)

So the next time the devil😈 tries something silly, Resist Him… When he starts telling you what God has not said about you, Shut Him up… The Bible Says he will flee from You… (James 4:7) The devil knows who you are and who you belong to…he dares not touch you… Don’t allow him to…

That’s OurThing, we’ve Got the Power 💪🤛💪

Armour Up🔨⚒️⛏️

Our Thing: Think of Me (Armour Up)

When I was in class four, I had a teacher, she was so pretty😍 ei( I am sure the boys crushed on her🤫),I liked her pahn and the nice part was, she stayed in my neighborhood so I and my little sister used to go to her house. (She is one of my all-time favorite teachers 😅)

She taught us a song in class and up until I was a little older, I was just singing it… I didn’t even know it was a scripture… The song was…(Yh you can imagine 9year old Jiji singing…the ‘foolery’ wasn’t as much 🙄😅😂) ‘🎸🎵whatsoever things are true, honest, just, lovely, pure, things that are of good report, think of these things’🎵🎼

When I grew up, I understood how important the song was and the truth it carried… Our mind is a war zone, and the devil wants to take control of our thoughts because if he is able to, he’ll be able to control our actions too…before you had a THING with God, the devil didn’t care because he was already in control. That battle to control your actions began when You started A THING with the Lord.

This Scripture in Philippines 4:8 is one of the military strategies we are taught as children of God… We know that there is no truth, purity, honesty , loveliness, justification or good report that is greater than or above JESUS CHRIST…

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isaiah 26:3 KJV

The more we Think about JESUS, the more the enemy is defeated… And we encounter perfect peace because we trust in the Lord. Believe me when say, I know that is so hard to do😭 with all the Corona flying about and boy-issues☺️😣 and UG-elearning 🙄(I have a test😭) … But We always have help, The HOLY SPIRIT.

We are at war, We must Armour Up…

That’s OurThing, We Fight because He’s already won.

Our Thing : Hang on tight

It’s been a while since you saw OurThing (yh miss you too🌝)…Well it’s been a while since I felt like writing… 😣😔… mainly because I didn’t know what to write and with all this Corona thing flying around everywhere, it’s difficult to have a good state of mind…🤦

Everywhere you turn to ( social media, the news, even as you take a walk outside) the main things that are seen is fear and panic and how people are protecting themselves with hand sanitizers. (Well I was also very scared and paranoid… Checking my temperature every five minutes, drinking hot water, washing my hands ever minute… Sanitizing my hands oh hmm🤦)

Then yesterday it really hit me, do I really think hand washing and all those protocols will protect me? And all this while, I could have died of choking, or by being hit by a motorcycle…

The real Truth is that we can only Do very little to protect ourselves… And I think that that’s why most of us are very scared… Because charle who be we… Mere mortals… We can only wash our hands, wear seatbelts when driving and being careful.

Our ultimate help is the Lord. He is our Shield and strength and…and Everything… Right now I really wonder what I’d be doing if I didn’t have a Thing with God…(even with this, it hasn’t been easy)

Apart from all this Corona thing, this ride called life is not too much of a smooth cruise… It’s a very rough ride… The best we can do, is to hang on to Every little Word He says…and We can Trust Him By His Word because He has never gone back on His Word…( You can ask Abraham, Isaac Jacob and every other person Who has a Thing With God)

And oh yeah, I know I am not dying now… Because He says so… And even if I do,(which is not now) it will be because He can’t have enough of His baby girl☺️

That’s why OurThing is special, we have someone to hold on to, not Just someone… The Creator, King of the multiverse.

…He will Hold you up… Just hang on tight 🚄🚀✈️

Our Thing: Adey for you

Recently, my whole being has been screaming to do something (don’t ask me what, I won’t mind you… I am just trying to make my point 😏). In my head and in my heart I know it’s not the right thing but merhn this flesh… 🤦

Honestly, sometimes I think being a Christian is hard in times like that … ( Times where you think you should just put someone in His or Her place because charle the nonsense is too much😒😣, or times when you just want to kiss that crush of yours and go your way koraa😈😤🤸🏃🏃)

However, the difference between someone who will just do all this and more ( I am talking about what our flesh wants), and we who have a THING with God, is The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn’t only just convict us of sin, but He also Leads us and Helps us to over come Evil and live victorious lives.

The Holy Spirit gives that ‘drunkeness’ effect…( Ever seen a drunk person…the person’s movements are engineered by the alcohol)… In the same way, we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit so much so that, He has total control of the members of our bodies…(Ephesians 5:18).

Please ooo, I am not saying it’s easy😤, I am just saying it is very possible to say no to our flesh and Yes to the Spirit of God… I am saying it’s possible to be good to someone who intentionally frustrates your life… I am saying it’s possible to look that cute guy in the face and walk away…

We are no longer slaves to sin… We are now slaves of Righteousness for Holiness ( Romans 6: 15-22)

If you need Help,( and trust me I know you do cos I need it too😭) ask for Help.

Cos that’s OurThing…He dey for Us… He helps us.

Our Thing: Will You trust Me?

I don’t know how to swim🙂. When I go to the poolside, I just put my feet in the water😬… But I have never entered the pool fully before🙈.

I learnt that, to learn how to swim, you need to trust the water and relax in it and it will hold you up… (Well I am still gathering the Vhim to enter the water 😬🙈when I do I will tell you guys😂😅)…

Most of us deal with God in the same way I deal with the swimming thingy… We don’t want to trust The water (God)… We just dip our feet in it (Him) and letting ourselves go in Him is a very difficult thing.

We put our trust in a lot of things or people: our parents, our work, our children, our heads( intelligence), our money, our status… But all these are very unstable because they can all be taken away…. See Job like this, Imagine yourself in that position (niga lost en family den job and properties all in a day🤐)… And what Happened to Job happens a lot… God forbid but everything can be taken away in a matter of seconds…

God knows that everything in this world is Passing away… Yes! including ourselves (mere mortal😅hmm)…and so He calls us to Walk on the water with Him, fixing our eyes on Him…. Trusting Him all the way through. Learning to trust Him so that He holds us up…Just like learning how to swim.

The real truth is, You can never trust without knowing God. (Yes it always comes down to This🤭). When You know God you will have all Your confidence in Him. (All, not some…)

When You know God, You will know that He is the most dependable, all loving, the doer of impossibilities and He doesn’t know how to fail… It’s not in His vocabulary.

‘Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.’
Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT

This is our God… Will you FULLY trust Him?

That’s Ourthing… We walk on water

Our Thing: Who are You?

Who are you? Last Sunday I watched the movie Overcomer and one of the characters was asked this question: ‘who are You’. I was wondering why a movie titled “Overcomer” will have a question like that running through the themes of the movie. Then I remembered the scripture that says “you are of God…and have overcome…because greater is He that’s in You than he that is in the World.” (1st John 4:4)

To be able to live a victorious life in Christ Jesus, we need to know who He has made us through His blood. It is one thing I struggled with (and still struggle with) when in started this Mything with the Lord. I remember I will get negative thoughts and all that and when The Lord whispers a word to me about who He has made me, I really won’t believe Him. I just didn’t feel that what God says I am was true because everything else was saying the opposite.

One thing that I do that has really helped and still helps me to remember who God has made me in Christ Jesus is by writing it down. I got myself a book and I write the opposite of what every other voice tells me.

And the amazing thing is, Jesus Knows exactly how we feel because He has been here and He Knows How overwhelming it can be (Hebrews 4:15) and so Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us to all truth, to Remind us who We are in Jesus Christ. (John 16:5-15)

That’s Ourthing, we know who We are:

We are loved, redeemed, saved, sealed, chosen, righteous, forgiven, kings and priests, sons and daughters…

We are His…

and that’s OURTHING