Our Thing: Just Stop Spinning 😵

Hey everyone👯💃👯💃… I know you miss me… I miss you too… I am sorry you had to miss me. ☹️

Today i am not going my normal way of writing ( me telling a story)… Today I just want to encourage You.

It’s been quite a year for all of us… I mean with Corona and Sakai(UG students 😂😅) and all…

It is easy to be overwhelmed with all that is going on in Your life and it may feel like you are moving from one storm to another and all that… You may be in a dark place right now… You may be trying hard to do your assignments and Go through work and pushing and trying…

God says to tell You that :Wait a minute… Stand Still. BE STILL. Calm down Honey. ‘Relaixin’. Stop spinning around. Stop trying to do this all alone… HE IS GOD.

For almost a month or more I too have been spinning… Doing my best… pushing and it seemed like the best wasn’t reaching anywhere😷🤦. Until I was told to Wait a minute, to stop spinning in my world… Just to be Still.

It’s easy to forget that we are not walking alone. Especially when Jesus ‘seems’ to be sleeping in our boats and we are trying hard to manage and push through by ourselves…(Matthew 8:23)

But the Truth Is Jesus is Still there with us and He is there to walk on the water( the unstableness and wobbly thingy) with us… (Matthew 14: 22-33)

And the truth is that most of the shakiness and doubt and fear and all of that happens in our minds but God calls us to stop spinning and try our very best to fix our eyes on Him and Put Him at the center of our storms.

I am Learning to fix my Eyes on Him even in all those feels and emotional spiral I find myself inside most of the time and I Hope you do too…

Sometimes all it takes is you sitting down, taking a deep breath and speaking to Jesus about what you are feeling or thinking.

He is there to help us through. He is there to help us Armour Up.

He is there… Just stop spinning.

BE STILL… That’s when the Knowing will Come… You have to be still to Know that He is God…


HE Stills my storms and


“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” Psalm 46:8‭-‬10 MSG https://bible.com/bible/97/psa.46.8-10.MSG


I am a Christian who loves to write 😅

9 thoughts on “Our Thing: Just Stop Spinning 😵

  1. Wow, that is the word of God for us all. God bless you for sharing. Is always a blessing to hear from God through His vessel. God bless you and your readers love you


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